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Tarotscopes for the Signs : March      

Posted March 3, 2025

Apply your Sun, Moon & Rising Sign. 

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Hi Fire Signs! March is finally here and I see you guys dreaming big, for some, a little too big. I see for many of you making big purchases, putting on your adult pants and handling business. This could be purchasing a home, getting your tax returns and spending it on items that you've been wanting; but ah what's a good reading without a warning about your spending habits? Be mindful of reckless spending this month fire signs. Just because you have it doesn't mean to you should spend it, Other then the few, I do see most using this financial opportunity to bring people together. This month brings a lot of excitement, parties, gatherings and success; To invest in an experience that you can share with your close loved ones is always a yes. I sense that so many of you have your heart in the right place just don't lose your motivation to make it happen all the way, this isn't the time to use the excuse of "its the thought that counts" no, its the action that matters the most, especially to those that you are showing it to. Their laughter and smile will show you that it's all worth it. 444

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Hello Earth Signs! Welcome to the month of March, the beginning of spring and just like Fire signs, you guys are also dreaming big. Planning, manifesting, setting goals for yourself and actively seeking opportunities, March is suppose to feel like a brand new start, but life has a funny way of showing us how resilient we have to be. Its easy to get caught up in our own insecurities, especially if things aren't moving the way we hope to be. It's important to stay calm, cool and collected at this point, try to ride this wave with grace. There's a message here that someone or something might come in and cause in upheaval to your day to day life, but there's strength to be found here when backed in the corner, remember to stay true. There's always hope and light when you try to find it.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Hey Air signs! For the month of March, I sense many of you giving into your ego. Strange experiences and intuitive thoughts will be heavy occurrences if you continue to unwillingly leave negative situations. March will be filled with unnecessary temptations, this can be addiction, gambling, the worst of the worst, lessons that will not leave the mind lightly, last month I mentioned something about this being self-inflicted, this is all based on your choice of actions. I sense your higher self trying to come through to you this month as you go through these choices, especially in your dreams, pay close attention, no its not all in your head, no its not just a coincidence. Life can and is that deep. Listen to the knowledge and wisdom the earth can provide for you, Don't get so caught up in your own insecurities that you don't notice all the beauty in being imperfect. You can face with the decision and continue the life you created or you can step out of the self-made prison and continue with a new perspective and sense of freedom.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Hello Water Signs! So for the month of March, I sense many of you desire for a bountiful spring but in order to accomplish this, there's this feeling of needing to sacrifice something that's taking too much of your time/energy and it not really moving you anywhere. I see that this job or perhaps even a person that you're talking to isn't or wasn't really hyping up to its true potential so I see you wanting to adventure onto something new. I can see a strong urge to rebel against something too, flirting with the idea to act a bit reckless and unafraid to claim the future you desire. But ah again what's a good reading without a warning? Be mindful of poor planning, getting too ahead of yourself. I sense excessive spending and financial decisions that are quite weary, You can still achieve the life of your dreams without leaving your pockets dry. 

Thank you for reading, if any of these general readings resonated with you and would like for these monthly readings to continue please feel free to leave a tip/donation through here, 

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Thank you again, stay blessed.

© 2020 by Coco La Bruja LLC

⁂ When purchasing a reading involving another person or a subject event, please include their full name, if giving that information out is too sensitive, please send initials, Message for more details. 

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